Friday, December 18, 2009


I have two new shirts up for voting plus my first shirt on teefury
first up: I have this fencing inspired shirt on threadless
Doing it wrong - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More


Fencing Fail

score it on Threadless and help me get a print

next I have this trippy shirt up for voting at Design by
Neon Nature Acid Rain

Neon nature Acid Rain

so if youd like to see this printed vote for it at Design by Humans

And finally I have this transformers inspired shirt that will be sold on Teefury for just ONE day so get it wile you can, remember this will only be on sale for the 24hours of December 19th, 2009 at

Robot in disguise shirt mock up

Friday, December 11, 2009

art and stuff

submitted to threadless for their throwback contest
Prehistoric B-Boys  - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

prehistoric b-boys emptees style shirt mockup


last week I subbed this astronaut shirt which i feel should have gotten a better score. I'll try it out on DBH next.

also I'm going to have a shirt for a sale over at TEEFURY on the 19th but Im not sure If I'm aloud to tell you what it is yet

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Been a while since i updated this, it just feels like a chore and isn't as responsive as twitter. I have been on a role submitting shirts to threadless, some even scored high.
I have a lot more shirt Designs on the way including some commissioned stuff but right now I have this awesome pun based shirt up for scoring on threadless
Catholic Nunchucks  - Threadless T-shirts, Nude No More

Catholic Nunchucks teeshirt mock up

give it a nice score at Threadless