Monday, April 20, 2009

my first threadless print abd belated happy 420

Octopus on yo' Shirt - Threadless, Best T-shirts Ever
I meant to post this on monday but better late then never.
this past monday, on 4 20 I got my first Design printed on threadless. While the design didn't come out exactly how I envisioned it it has been extremely popular and I am quite happy with that. once more you can find the shirt HERE

also in other art/me related news I finished this nifty 420 apparel design inspired by the tatooish textured gore style that's always popular on Emptees.

I personally would never wear blatant pro drug artwork but i know there is a market for it and I wanted to try my hand out it. please show it some love on

Finally I also finished a new painted that is now at display and for sale at the tinderbox, the coolest smokeshop in New Brunswick, NJ

cosmic fungus

Monday, April 13, 2009

work in progress

sample2, originally uploaded by biotwist.

I have been super motovative making this and hope to be finished with this by tomorrow giving me plenty of time before next monday's holiday
